Are You Now or Have You Ever Been a Believer in Biological Sex?
The left shares blame for new McCarthyism ** This article was published on OffGuardian February 12, 2020 ** In the 1940s and 50s, advocating Karl Marx’s critique of capitalism could get you fired from your job, blacklisted , deplatformed and even imprisoned . Though communists and socialists were instrumental in the struggles of the 1930s and 40s that built the industrial labor movement in the U.S., by the late 1940s those radical ideas were vilified and virtually outlawed. Communism was purposely conflated with the crimes of Stalin. Communists and socialists were driven out of the unions. A layer of union bureaucrats that supported the witch-hunt was promoted. For fear of reprisals, many radicals kept quiet and self-censored. Some “recanted” socialist beliefs. Some fingered others to save themselves. The poison unleashed by that witch-hunt dealt a body blow to the labor movement and its devastating effects are felt to this day. It’s no ...