An Idea Whose Time Has Come
** This article appeared in TruthOut March 27, 2015 **
Why Nationalization of the Energy Industry is an Essential Demand for the
Climate Change Movement
All the
forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
- Victor Hugo
- Victor Hugo
Ever since scientists discovered a
runaway greenhouse effect on our nearest planetary neighbor, Venus, we’ve known
that climate Armageddon is a possibility.
Even though Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth, Venus’ thick
cloud layer permits only 1/6 as much sunlight to reach the planet’s surface. And while Mercury is nearly twice as close to
the Sun as Venus, the surface on Venus is 10% hotter, measuring more than 864
degrees Fahrenheit. Why is Venus so hot? Its atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide.
We know that human activities are
adversely affecting Earth’s climate. Scientists
began to draw our attention to the link between fossil fuels, greenhouse gases
and climate in the 1980s. Since then,
the evidence for
anthropogenic climate change has become overwhelming.
All that’s left to debate is what to
do about it.
Under the current setup, energy
conglomerates that owe their fortunes to fossil fuels have every incentive to
dismiss global warming and to cast aspersions
on climate change research. The top five
oil companies (BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, and Shell) reported combined profits
of $93 billion for 2013. That’s more
than the total US budget that year for Health, Human Services, Medicare and
Medicaid ($80.6 billion.) It’s more than 10 times the federal budget
for environmental protection ($9.2 billion.)
The more coal, oil and natural gas that get burned, the more the climate
is thrown out of whack, and the more these companies are rewarded financially.
If you give a dog a piece of meat
every time it bites someone, it could reasonably be argued that you are
encouraging this dangerous and irresponsible behavior. In light of environmental necessity, we might
beseech the energy companies to behave responsibly, but they are guaranteed to
ignore us. Why? Because they earn large sums of money when
they do so. A demand for reform of
energy policy may be well-framed and well-founded, but it is wasted wind if the
current setup, which so richly rewards all of the wrong behaviors, is allowed to
If we’re serious about addressing
climate change, nationalization of the energy industry must become a central
organizing demand.
A Necessary Step
When it comes to climate change (and
other struggles), there is ample evidence
that we won’t be able to accomplish what is necessary under the current
economic framework. But people are instinctively
leery of big changes. It’s natural to wish that we could persuade the oil
companies and other bad actors to reform themselves and get with the
program. It would be so much
easier. But the weight of reason and historical evidence
shows that to be a dead end. In such a
case, and in the face of the rapidity with which climate change is spinning out of control,
the rational way to proceed is to get to work doing what’s necessary, however
unconventional or difficult it may seem.
The demands put forward by the climate change movement should reflect
Nationalizing the big energy
companies would make all the difference to the fight to curb greenhouse gas
emissions. Right from the start, it
would eliminate profit from the energy calculus and remove a large
pool of money that’s used to manipulate government
policy. It would make it possible to
embark on a plan for a sustainable energy future which would focus on the needs of the population and
the planet as a whole, rather than on the reckless aggrandizement of a few. But the issue of nationalization does raise
many important questions: Is it
moral? Is it legal? How would it work? Is it practical? Should the owners of nationalized industries
be compensated?
Human Needs vs. Profits
Let’s first examine the question of
morality. Do “we, the people” have any moral right to take a key national
industry out of private hands and convert it to public ownership? One way to approach this is to consider the
balance sheet: what does the population “owe” to the industry, and what does the
industry “owe” to us.
To begin with, the oil,
gas, coal and nuclear companies
receive tens of billions of dollars every year in government subsidies. In other words, a healthy portion of the profits
these companies report year after year come directly out of our pockets. In the case of nuclear, it’s doubtful that
the industry would break even without massive public subsidies
and insurance guarantees.
In addition, publicly supported academic research
has laid the foundation for a great deal of the technology and innovation that
allows the energy industry (and others) to turn a profit.
Then there are the so-called
external costs of energy production. These
are the depletion of limited resources, destruction of the environment and
poisoning of communities that are all built in to the current industry
model. These costs are “external” in the
sense that energy companies don’t pay them; there are no entries for these items
in their books. Instead, these costs are
born by the public. A 2010 study by the National Resource Council put these costs at $120
billion for the year 2005 alone. This is
more than the total combined, record-level profits
of Exxon, Shell, Marathon Oil and Chevron in that year.
On top of all of this, we have the
fact that the workers in the energy industry—as in all industries—are paid only
a fraction of the value that their labor produces, while the balance is
siphoned off as “profit”. So, the
overall profits claimed by the energy corporations derive from a combination of
public subsidies, destruction of the environment, and wealth produced by the
workers in the industry for which they are not compensated.
If all of this weren’t enough, we can
add to the social debt of the energy industry the fact that for generations they
have been blithely churning out greenhouse gases that scientists tell us are
threatening the very survival of humanity.
So the energy companies owe a huge
debt to society. What about the other
side of the moral ledger? Weighing in
favor of the right of the energy monopolies to continue business as usual is a
body of corporate law and historical precedent which, taken together, assert
that production for private profit represents the height of nobility. This is manifest in U.S. foreign and domestic
policy, which operates on the principle that the pursuit of corporate profits is more central
to “freedom” and “democracy” than free speech, human rights and other lesser
So the moral contest comes down to
this: how does the claim of the energy tycoons to pursue profits through private
ownership and control of our energy infrastructure stack up against the right
of the majority to defend ourselves from the damage, theft, abuse and
destruction that have been wrought by the energy corporations for
generations? The question answers
itself. Defenders of the status quo would have us assign monumental weight to
corporate “rights”. But only in a moral
universe that values the accumulation of wealth above community wellbeing can
corporate law and historical tradition compare with the right of the population
as a whole to take action to prevent our own extinction. It’s a question of whether to prioritize human
needs or profits.
The Matter of Legality
Would nationalizing the energy
industry be legal? Given the strong
moral case for nationalization, this question is less pressing than it might
appear. One could get lost in the
thickets of the constitution and the federal and state law regarding
corporations and private property, but we ought to recognize some basic truths:
What’s legal and what’s just are
not necessarily the same thing. Many
things we know to be unjust were once legal: slavery and Jim Crow segregation,
for example. Many things we know to be just
were once illegal: the right of women to vote, the right of workers to form
unions, etc. Moreover, laws are not
applied equally across the board. When
it comes to interpreting and enforcing the law, the rich and powerful are treated quite differently than the rest of us.
The law is not absolute, but is
interpreted to fit the times. Most
scholars today would argue that the internment
of Japanese Americans during WWII was illegal, but few
had the courage or integrity to say so at the time. Just a few years ago, same-sex marriage was
illegal in most states. Today,
long-standing laws forbidding same-sex marriage are being struck down left and
right. Woman’s right to abortion was
proclaimed by a conservative Supreme Court during the Republican administration
of Richard Nixon. What tipped the balance
was a massive movement in the streets.
Daniel Ellsberg, who in 1971 released the top-secret Pentagon Papers,
was set free, but Chelsea Manning, who released documents about the Iraq and
Afghan wars to WikiLeaks (none of which were labeled top secret), was sentenced
to 35 years in prison. The key
difference is that in 1971 a powerful, independent antiwar movement was
sweeping the country.
Even where the law appears to be clear
cut, “one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws,” as Martin Luther
King, Jr. wrote in his 1963 Letter from a
Birmingham Jail. With the moral
ledger for nationalizing the energy industry pointing so squarely to the need
to place the rights of people and the planet ahead of the desire by a few for private
profit, any law that might be used to block nationalization of the industry must
be unjust.
There may still be technical, legal
grounds—both in domestic and international
law—on which to base nationalization of the energy corporations. As noted below, there have been a number of
nationalizations in U.S. history, the most recent being the 2009 partial
takeover of General Motors in the wake of the Wall Street bailout.
What Would It Look Like?
Suppose a majority of Americans were
convinced of the need to nationalize the energy monopolies as a step toward forestalling
climate calamity. How would it work,
What would not be helpful would be to create a new government bureaucracy, run
from the top down by politicians whose campaigns are funded by the usual
corporate behemoths. No. To do this
right, we need a new national energy sector that is run completely
- Workers in the industry should elect
their own supervisors and have final say over safety and working conditions.
- Policy, priorities and directions for the new energy sector should be set by a national board comprised of delegates from regional energy committees as well as elected representatives of the workers within the energy industry, workers in other industries affected by energy policy, scientists and engineers.
- All energy policy representatives should be elected and subject to immediate recall. For compensation, they should receive no more than the average pay of those they were elected to represent.
- Workers whose jobs are lost due to new priorities and directions in energy policy should be guaranteed retraining, and full union wages for as long as they remain unemployed.
A concise way to summarize the above
principles in a slogan would be:
the energy industry under workers’ control!
Can It Be Done?
We know the climate is in trouble,
and nationalizing the energy conglomerates seems like a fine idea, but is it
So often, we confuse what is
practical with what is easy. It would be
easy to continue to prostrate ourselves before corporate politicians and the
for-profit energy companies. We could
continue to plead for reason at the next international Conference of Parties
(COP), but the results
are likely to be as dismal
as was the case with COP1 through COP19.
Time is short. The movement needs
a new demand and a clearer focus.
It’s popular to talk about the need
for “getting money out of politics”. But
no policy could be more marinated in wealth than allowing an entire sector of
the economy—particularly one as crucial as energy—to be steered by the need to
maximize profits for a handful of private owners. Since burning fossil fuels has proven highly
profitable for the energy corporations, we will not be able to stop global
warming unless we break the link that subordinates the needs of the many for a
rational energy policy, to the desire of a few to maximize their profits. In this sense, nationalization of the energy industry
is as practical as it gets because without taking this step, without changing
the rules of the game, we simply won’t be able to solve the climate crisis.
Meanwhile, the U.S. already has a history of nationalizations—including railroads and telegraph (WWI), coal and trucking
companies (WWII), banks, retail companies and the airport security industry. Trouble is, these were undertaken primarily
to prop up corporations and the wealthy.
Many countries
(Ecuador, Iran, Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Mexico etc.) have
partially nationalized oil sectors using the undemocratic top-down model that
leaves the rich in control. But in 1960,
when Texaco, Esso, and Shell oil refineries in Cuba refused to process oil from
the Soviet Union, Cuba nationalized them under workers’ control. If Cuba can do it, so can we.
What Would It Cost?
After examining the moral balance
sheet and adding up the costs, it would be hard to make the case that the
energy magnates are owed a penny. Quite
the reverse. Taking into account
generations of depletion, destruction, pollution, devastation, state subsidies
and highway robbery, the oil barons have a monumental and growing debt to
society. On moral and rational grounds,
these companies are owed nothing in compensation for nationalization.
There is justice in this position,
but we need not hold it up as an unbreakable principle. If, by some miracle, a modest offer of
compensation would induce the energy profiteers to give up the fight, abandon
their claims and cooperate in transforming the industry to public ownership
under workers’ control, then such a deal might be worth considering. But the starting point must be that the right
of the majority to a healthy planet trumps any corporate charter.
* *
If humanity is to win the climate
fight, we need to understand what it will take and be more focused in our
demands. We need to be fully cognizant
of who our friends and enemies are. Only then can we build a movement powerful
enough to defend the rights and needs of the majority. By calling for nationalization of the energy
industry under workers control, we strengthen the climate change movement in
multiple ways: by identifying the key obstacles in our path; by embracing our
natural allies and unmasking our adversaries; by providing a strategy around
which a fighting movement can coalesce; and by focusing our collective strength
in such a way as to strike a real blow at the very heart of the problem.
Very interesting
ReplyDeleteBruce, I liked your article in today's Counterpunch so much I came here and I am so glad! This is a truely great article, and certainly the only way we can stop the ongoing destruction of the thin life-supporting crust of planet earth. Thank you for writing this. I am going to post it on my Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteFrank Shulse